WYVERN : A mythical and legendary dragon

The wyvern is a mythological monster but it looks a lot like the dragon. However, it is also better not to cross it if you are a nudist because it is known to have a very aggressive character. Indeed, according to mythology, she is terrified of naked people, blushing and looking away, which is hard to believe, isn't it? Let's discover her story together in this blog.

On a smaller scale, the Wyvern has abilities and behaviors similar in every way to those of dragons. But they are not as vicious as their larger cousins. They are no less aggressive and capable of killing defenseless travelers or wreaking havoc on defenseless communities.
A wyvern (sometimes spelled Vouivre) is a legendary monster that looks a lot like a dragon. They were portrayed in mythology as serpentine animals with deadly breath that roamed the medieval French countryside. The terms "guivre" and "givre" are different spellings of the word "vouivre," which is more often used. The ancient French term "guivre" is translated as "vouivre" in Franc-Comtois. All of these words, as well as the English term "viper," are derived from the Latin "Vipera."

Wyverns were fierce, violent, and extremely lethal animals. Because these fabled animals were so strong and terrible. Anybody who could defeat and kill one was seen as a great force and a magnificent hero. Also, a Wyvern trophy, whether on the top of a pirate ship or as part of a coat of arms, was regarded a symbol of tremendous power and dominance in whatever form.

Wyverns were associated with war, plague and disease in medieval Europe. Today they are found on coats of arms, crests and flags as heraldic symbols, to illustrate power but also perseverance. Today, this creature is portrayed as a deadly but terribly intelligent predator. Its seemingly jealous and belligerent characteristics were used in heraldry to strike terror into the heart of the enemy. The wyvern is still feared by the fiercest of warriors today.

A dragon's head, a forked tongue, a scaly neck, and wings distinguish the Wyvern. Combined with two strong eagle-like claws on the hind legs. Its long serpentine tail is sometimes represented twisted or wrapped up on itself, indicating the monster's great poison and vicious. In France, the monster was said to be particularly hostile, attacking people without being provoked.

Originally, the Wyverne, known as Guivre in French tradition. He was a chimeric beast with the body of a slender snake, the head of a horned dragon. The legs of a bird of prey, and the wings of a bat, according to medieval bestiaries. The Wyvern excels at three things, and it is still an extremely deadly creature :
They are outstanding outfielders
Intrepid fighters
And their breath is deadly
It also likes to reside near water, such as woods, lakes and small ponds. In reality, the wyvern can be observed in exposed caves on the sides of mountains. It burrows into the earth and digs with its claws, while moving underground with the tips of its wings. Also, the main food sources of the wyvern are underground species but also animals that are easy to catch.

Another key point, Wyverns are predatory creatures that like to chase goats, poultry and small children. Also, she is not as huge as other dragons, yet is fierce and fast and has long teeth capable of injecting a powerful poison. When its other foods are scarce, it has the means to pursue adult men and women.

As early as the eighth century, wyverns are thought to have appeared on English war banners. Wales represented by a "red dragon" and Wessex by a "golden dragon." The wyvern's reputation as a symbol of valor and power gained it a position on the coats of arms of many significant families in Wales and Wessex in the sixteenth century. The wyvern was first used as a logo in the 19th century by English enterprises, and it is now used as a logo or mascot all over the world.

Many European royal dynasties use the wyvern as a symbol on their shields and flags. It appears mainly in medieval tales, but often as the terrifying beast that the hero must kill to save the princess in peril.

In times of conflict, the wyvern is frequently shown as a valuable and protective monster, signifying power and strength on coats of arms. According to folklore, it is a sign of vengeance or achievement obtained after a dragon is killed.
Also, many people mistakenly think that Wyverns and dragons are related because of their physical similarities. While this is true, they are still two separate species with considerable morphological distinctions.

First of all, while dragons have four legs, wyverns have two. A wyvern's legs are longer and spindly, like a bird's but also have rather large toes and also extremely curved claws. To illustrate and compare, the legs of a dragon are reptilian. Their legs not only give them a distinct appearance, but also allow them to move in a different way, jumping, sliding and leaping instead of crawling. All in all they have a more optimal and faster movement.

Also, wyvern tails, have a distinct pointed tip. According to some writings, this tip is actually a stinger that can deliver a lethal amount of poison, providing them with a weapon that dragons lack. But other accounts state that the Wyvern evolved a fish tail to adapt to a semi-aquatic life.

Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion in Game of Thrones look more like wyverns than anything else based on their morphology, but you also have to take into account the modern fantasy that defies real facts.
The world of video games is the greatest domination of Wyverns. These creatures are excellent for games, with their impressive stature and vicious dispositions, and have cost the lives of many players in popular games such as Final Fantasy but also World of Warcraft Dragonlance and more recently Monster Hunter Online and also ARK.

Read more : Dragon in vidéo games
The existence of the Fire Wyvern and whether the species can actually breathe fire are two much debated topics. Although, unlike a giant dragon, the Wyvern does not have an unlimited source of fire, some writings mention Wyverns shooting small balls of fire.

The Ice Wyvern comes in several colors, including light blue, white, green, gray but also black. The color of their wing membranes matches their body color. It has a similar appearance to the Fire Wyvern, but its upper mouth is more triangular. Also its lower jaw is slightly larger and pointed. With its thin, beak-like nose, the ice wyvern is the most bird-like. Its forehead is prominent, with eyebrow-like spikes above each eye. Also, its head and body are covered with spikes. They start at the shoulders and go down the spine to the tail.

The Wyvern remains a strange and amazing legendary monster. The Wyvern and the dragon evoke images of velociraptors and T-Rexes respectively.
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