European dragon

The dragon is a mythical serpentine monster from European folklore. It has two pairs of legs similar in every way to those of a lizard and membranous wings (also similar to those of a bat) that rise up on its back. It is also known as the Western Dragon. This colossal beast has a scaly skin, breathes fire, has horns and also has an intimidating tail.
Because of Welsh legend and modern fiction, the European dragon is primarily associated with evil. Asian dragons, on the other hand, are generally depicted as benevolent animals.

The blood of dragons has many mystical qualities. It also enabled Siegfried to grasp the language of the woodland bird in the opera Siegfried. In reality, the classic European dragon guards a cave or castle containing wealth and treasure. But it is also frequently associated with a great hero who attempts to slay it. The dragon is found in an underground lair. A cave that defines it as an old land monster, although it is a flying species. It is also likely that the dragons of European mythology descend from the cult of the snake.

In the legends, the European dragons are powerful, malevolent, and dangerous. They can represent Satan or sin in Christian tradition. Many of them make their homes in caverns and preserve incredible riches. They eat cattle when they are hungry. Humans, particularly young females, are prey for the European dragon. Some sleep during the day and go on the rampage at night, according to European folklore.

Warriors and knights combat ruthless and ravenous dragons in epic literature from the Middle Ages. In some legends, the hero defeats the legendary monster and wins fame, money, and glory as a result. He fails horribly in others and dies a horrible death. and the entire globe.
Roman dragons are supposed to be the ancestors of Western dragons. In the combination that defined the mixed Greek/Hellenistic Eastern civilization. Roman dragons emerged from Greek serpentine dragons blended with Persian dragons. In the Hebrew narrative of Bel and the Dragon, the final Babylonian dragon worshipped by the court of Cyrus the Great possibly.

Satan is described as "a gigantic dragon, burning red, with seven heads and ten horns" in the Apocalypse of John (Greek and non-Roman literature). Although most of John's literary inspiration comes from late Hebrew and Greek sources, John's dragon and Satan are more likely to have originated in Persia. Perhaps the distinctions we make between Chinese and Western dragons are arbitrary.
The European dragon is a symbol of the Christian religion that is bad. A gigantic red dragon with seven heads is portrayed in Revelation 12:3, whose tail sweeps a third of the stars from heaven to earth (held to be symbolic of the fall of the angels). The Latin term for dragon is "draco," which literally means "snake," and is thus associated with the Christian tie between snakes and the devil.

"St. George and the Dragon," a tale about a valiant knight who destroys a dragon keeping a princess prisoner, is one of the European dragon legends. This narrative may be a Christianized version of Perseus' story, or it may depict the Phrygian god Sabazios triumphing over the Chthonic snake on horseback, although its roots are unknown.

In Italy, the legend of Saint George and the Dragon is well-known. Other saints, on the other hand, are seen fighting a dragon. For example, Mercurial, the first bishop of the city of Forl, slew a dragon and rescued the city. He's frequently pictured as slaying the dragon.

Because Saint George (Catalon Sant Jordi) is Catalonia's patron saint, the European dragon appears in Catalan myths and folklore. The Catalan dragon (drac catalan) is a massive serpent with two or four legs and, in rare occasions, wings. They may also produce a nasty stink that rots everything in their path.
European dragons were frequently associated with apostasy and treachery in medieval symbology, as well as fury and envy, and depicted a tremendous disaster in a frantic manner. Many of the heads symbolized decadence and oppression, as well as heresy. They were also used as emblems of power, independence, and leadership. The meaning held by a dragon was frequently influenced by its color.

Dragons signified terror in the hero's journey motif. In many faiths and civilizations across the world, European dragons are seen to have significant spiritual significance. European dragons were, and still are, worshipped as representatives of the basic powers of nature and the universe in many Eastern civilizations.
European dragons were famous characters in heraldry during the Middle Ages, appearing on banners, seals, and other symbols of authority and military prowess. Christian nations' coins featured dragon-slaying saints, but they were also found in the Islamic world.

The classic European dragon, with four legs and wings, is the second most common emblem for riches and power, after the wyverne. The myth of Saint George and the dragon, as well as King Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon, who had a dragon on his crest, made this sort of figure renowned in Britain. Despite the fact that representations of European dragons in heraldry might be good, the prevailing negative attitude toward the European dragon remained unchanged.
A European dragon tattoo may be seen in a variety of forms, reflecting how deeply they are steeped in human beliefs. From Western mythology and Middle Eastern myths to Asian influences, the monster has strong links to many civilizations throughout the world.

Dragons were thought to be wicked creatures that had to be destroyed by a noble knight throughout Europe. Beowulf, Archangel Michael, and Tristan are among the legends of dragon and serpent slayers. In Judaism and Christianity, dragon mythology takes the shape of a serpent, and destroying a dragon is generally regarded as overcoming the wicked one. Dragon tattoos represent a wide range of values and traits, including :
Wisdom and longevity
Strength and power
Tranquility, mediation and the subconscious
Spirituality, masculinity and prosperity
Desire and sexual passion
Take one of our dragon necklaces or pendants with you before you go; they will protect you from bad luck.