Amphithere dragon

This winged snake without legs is amazing. From the fact that it is an imaginary and fanciful beast from mythology and past tales, but also because it is a hybrid. The fusion of two genres that creates only one, in our case the snake and the bird. Result, we get a creature out of the ordinary that could be adapted on the big screen.

Amphithere dragon origin
The amphitere dragon is a dragon-like creature whose origins can be traced back to Greek and Roman mythology, legends and folklore. In particular, accounts of its existence first appeared in the "Natural History" (a work written by Pliny the Elder, who was reputed to have linked and confused the creature with the jaculus), in "The Histories" (a work by Herodotus) and in "Characteristics of Animals" (a work by Aelian). Later, he will also establish links with the medieval era.
This type of dragon is found in Britain, the Middle East, Egypt and several Latin American countries such as Peru. Their appearance is similar to that of a gigantic jade-colored snake with multicolored feathered wings, and some also have a single pair of front legs. In European and Middle Eastern countries, the amphitheater is believed to know all but one of the world's secrets and possesses fantastic powers such as hypnotic eyes, which are usually invested in guarding the earth's treasures, such as myrrh trees, gold and other various riches.

Even the body parts of an Amphitere dragon are special. If its teeth are sunk, an army of battle-ready warriors emerges, eager to help its mate. Its blood, when drunk, gives the power to understand animals, and a potion made from dried Amphitere eyes mixed with honey cures headaches. The most famous of the Latin American Amphiters is the "Quetzalcoatl" (quetzal-snake), whose name means "most precious snake". It is believed that this dragon is inspired by the quetzal bird, which has a beautiful multicolored tail of almost 60 cm lenght.

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Amphithere dragon bird heraldry
The amphipteron is a hybrid from European heraldry, half snake and half bird. Throughout Europe, the amphipteron was widely feared, so that any family that displayed it on its coat of arms was seen as particularly formidable in battle.

Despite the origin of the word, amphipterans are found all over the world before their European counterpart. For example, ancient Egypt has many amphipterans, and the Mesoamerican feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl sometimes takes the form of the amphipteran.
Appearance Amphithere
Described as a small legless winged snake, the amphipterus (javelina snake) was detailed by Pliny (Roman naturalist) as having two tongues. One serpentine and the other arrow-shaped. The amphipterus also resembles the guivre of French folklore and heraldry. Rarely represented in European heraldry. The amphipteron as a creature was much feared.

The amphipteron is often compared to a winged snake. In addition, its shape varies according to the race of snake, as well as the species of bird it resembles. Depending on the mythologies, it can be for example:
A cobra with falcon wings
An anaconda with condor wings
A black mamba with eagle wings
An asp viper with hummingbird wings
In some cases, an amphipteran may even have feathers other than just on its wings, especially on its body. It may even have bat wings or draconic wings instead of bird wings. And with these, the species, breed of bat or dragon it resembles also varies.

American amphithere
The American Amphipterus (Draco Americanus Tex), also called dragon moth, because it only hunts at night, it is not known for its optimism. On the contrary, it bites without restraint. American Amphipterans measure more than 4 meters long and 2 to 3 meters high. Their color is usually an iridescent purple, with a yellow belly and wings, although red, blue and green have been observed. American Amphipterans have an unusual high-pitched call and congregate en masse.
These nighttime Amphipterans eat all large mammals, including unwary cowboys. They can breathe fire and fly, their favorite haunt being high up in valleys like the Oljato-Monument Valley in Utah. Amphipteran eggs are bright green with lighter green phosphorescent markings. Baby Amphipterans can fly from birth, but are quite hesitant for a few years.

Mexican amphithere
The Mexican Amphipterus (Draco Americanus Mex) is an enigmatic dragon that could have inspired the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. It measures from 1.50 to 3 meters high and 14 meters long. Its color is shimmering turquoise with a slightly lighter green belly. The wings of this Amphipterus turn purple while its mane and tail feathers turn golden during the breeding season.

It whines like a parrot and feeds on large land animals, such as llamas. Its dens are near water, their nests resembling coracles containing three hard-boiled eggs. The eggs are able to float and are brown with orange markings. The chicks must wait in rocky holes for three years until their wings grow. Aveloca, the most famous Amphipterus, lived to 223 years.
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